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Copyright © 2022 Naoki Kimura All rights reserved.

             木 村 尚 樹 
         NAOKI  KIMURA
         fine photographic arts
           since 1987


零式写真美術 II


零式写真美術 II

「花」≒「肯定的」な観念は“いつ・どこで”作られた(発祥)のかという疑問が生じるが、「言葉」という-人間が生物として- 備えた表現(意思伝達)方法を考えた時、太古の昔、原始の時代にも咲き誇っていた「花」はその時代の人間に“本能”的な反応として肯定的なものを想起させ、言語化に於いて統一されていったと想定してみると、各人種の持つ特定の言語を翻訳するにあたっての”基盤“は本能的に裏打ちされてできあがった”言葉“だからこそ翻訳が可能になっているのではなかろうか。


So what is an instinctive reaction?
For example, when we list emotional adjectives such as "beautiful," "beautiful," "cute," "kind," and "healing" for each race of people in the world today, we ask people to imagine multiple things associated with them.
Conversely, have students list multiple adjectives for the subject of "flowers.
I think we can imagine that the results will be generally consistent.
The question arises as to when and where the idea of "flowers" as "positive" was created (originated). If we assume that flowers, which were in full bloom even in the primitive times, evoked positive things in humans as an "instinctive" response, and that they were unified in language, then the "basis" for translating a particular language of each race would be instinctive. If we assume that the "basis" for translating each race's specific language is the "language" that has been instinctively developed and backed up, then translation is possible.

"Beautiful" is nothing but an instinctive derivation, not only a linguistic derivation but also an experiential response.
Therefore, there are common human sensibilities and reactions.
However, it is also obvious that there is no single "match".
This is equivalent to the fact that there is no such thing as a biologically or empirically "identical" human being.
This is also "fluctuation.

木 村 尚 樹

fine art photography

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